Join Us for a Live Webinar!

Webinar Details:

These sessions are for GastroGPO and Gastrologix members only. These have been designed to present and train small groups of members prior to a broader launch.
In these sessions we will be introducing PPS Analytics platform for Gastroenterology. This technology platform will help identify and navigate your patients based on your pathways and guidelines, ultimately leading to clinical and economic value creation for your practice. GastroGPO and Gastrologix members can now easily address their entire patient population using actionable, data-driven insights provided by PPS to assist in clinical decision-making to deliver the best care to your patients.
This session is a group training hosted by the PPS Analytics team. If you are interested in 1:1 training, please email services@ppsanalytics.com.

Webinar Registration:

> Thursday, March 7 at 8-9pm ET
> Monday, March 18 at 8-9pm ET
> Tuesday, March 19 at 4:30-5:30pm ET

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